Friday, July 16, 2010

Wolbert Family

I love the Wolberts! I work with Tiffany, and she is super cute! I also love her kid. He is just so charming! He has the greatest hair of any baby I’ve ever met…ever. We had tons of fun at the park, and their pictures are adorable!

ben and ethan

tiff and ethan 2 4x6


holding hands

smoosh kiss 4x6

tiff and ethan

ethan face 4x6

lens flare

I also like them because they like the photos with the funky effects :) Makes me happy!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bryce & Kailee Engagements

Starting off the Week of the Camera, is one of my good friends Kailee, and her fiancé Bryce. Their wedding is at the end of august, and I am thrilled to be taking their wedding pictures as well. They are an adorable couple, and I was so pumped to be able to hang out with them for a couple hours! Thanks guys, enjoy!

back hug color pop

ring kiss b&w


smile kiss